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story-slfb-a day work

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:36 am
by cocomink
All in a Days Work

My partner was away on business, I had all day to myself and as usual,
sun bathing due to the typical English climate was out of the question.
So what does a typical English lass do to pass the time,
"Of course a session of self bondage". I made sure the doors were all locked
so that I would not be rudely interrupted, the answer phone was switched on,
Cooker off, placed the key for the handcuffs on the kitchen table downstairs,
and made sure there were no taps left on.
Up to my front bedroom all by myself, nothing could go wrong.

I striped off and fitted the ball gag, I sometimes think it is a size too big,
but beggars can't be chooser's.
On the bed, bent my legs backwards so my ankles were level with the top of my legs.
I then tied around the ankle & then around the top of the leg.

This makes movement a little more difficult, then inserted our new vibrator,
it switches its self on and runs for about a minute and a half,
then switches off for five minutes, then starts all over again. quite a tease.
Once inserted, I seal it in with tape so it cannot pop out. Now the nipple clamps, closing them to the point were pain says I should not go any further.
Pull the blindfold into place and lie on the bed, struggle to fit the handcuffs
behind my back. Click, click. All done.

The object is to get my legs free, go downstairs, retrieve the key for the handcuffs,
and there we are free nothing to it!

I am now lying on the bed,
Just as the vibrator starts - I hear something bump against the window sill,
my heart seems missing a beat, I am holding my breath, listening for every sound
except the buzzing deep inside me. There it is again.
I know instantly what that sound is, it's the window cleaner.

Here I am stripped naked, bound hand and foot lying on my bed. It must be
a window cleaners dream, I rub my head against the bed, dragging the blindfold from
one eye. My mind has now gone into warp drive.
I roll myself off the bed and with a crash landing on the floor,
no time to try to undo the cord tying my legs, I can hear the rattle of the ladder
on the window sill as the window_cleaner starts to climb the ladder.

I now try to pull my knees up and push the top half of my body along the floor
towards the door. As I force my way through the open door, the door plate that
holds down the carpet was secured to the floor boards with badly fitting screws,
as I propel my body in rapid movements my boobs and tummy now come into contact with
the sharp screwheads creating cuts and grooves in effect trying to redesign my body.

I roll out onto the landing safe at last from the window cleaners' gaze;
I struggle to scrape the blindfold off against the floor.
Now I have two eyes to see with, I gaze down at my body it looks like chainsaw massacre
has taken place, there seem to be trickles of blood and red marks every were,
and the vibrator was still working inside me and I wish I had not fitted
the nipple clamps as the pain is now extreme.

Now trying to undo the cords tying my legs with no success at all,
with the struggle out of the bedroom the knots had now welded into solid lumps,
Now try to force my handcuffed hands up my back by pressing my elbows against the floor
to reach the strap on the ball gag, as I am struggling to breath.
Just as I am getting to grips with the strap, "Horror"!!!
I hear the window cleaners' ladder thump against the landing windowsill, oh shit!!!
Here we go again roll over, knees up, push the top half of the body forward
back across the dreaded doorplate, trying to lift my battered boobs over the screwheads
as I go inside the bedroom. I lie there in a state of battered exhaustion,
thinking to myself I might become a nun if I get away with this,
the knots securing my ankles to the top of my legs now seem impossible to move.
I lay there totally knackered. After about half an hour has passed I am convinced the
window cleaner has finished, The next job is to get downstairs get the key
off the kitchen table, undo the handcuffs and that's that.

Here we go again back over the doorplate, wriggle to the top of the stairs,
I now rotate my body so my legs go first - no problem.
My legs start the descent just as my chin leaves the top step,
the vibrator decides to start up again and my body acts as a snowboard
and carriers down the fourteen steps to the ground floor at about lightspeed.
My poor boobs crashing onto, and being dragged over, every step,
my chin and the side of my head feel as if I have gone ten rounds with Tyson and lost,
to top it all, the nipple clamps had been dragged off on my journey downstairs
leaving a rather raw, tired looking nipple. My boobs are on the small side but its amazing how many bruises you can get on such a small space, and my nipples,
that are my pride and joy, are looking very sorry for themselves.
I now lay at the bottom of the stairs, convinced I am about to die,
and nothing else can happen.

Ding-dong, ding-dong!!!!!
The doorbell is going, it sounds like the klaxon on a warship
and a voice shouts through the letterbox "Window cleaner are you in Jenny?"
I am laying about four foot from him with no energy left
plus a really good nose bleed, completely buggered to say the least,
and that bloody vibrator is still working.

After what seemed a lifetime all went quiet, I could hear the windowcleaner retreat
down the gravel drive, peace at last. I struggle in to the kitchen,
the bloody key was on the table and I could not reach it,
I banged the table trying to knock it over or shake the key off the top,
everything fell off the table but the key stayed out of reach.
After a while my legs were killing me and my whole body was hurting,
a few tears, then the vibrator starts again -instead of getting worked up I got mad.
I was now under the table sitting on my legs.
In one desperate attempt I straighten up, standing on my knees crashing my head
against the underside of the table, the table and me crashed to the floor.
The table was now lying on its side and the key was nowhere to be seen,
I really do believe at that point that the key had been abducted by Aliens.

After what seemed a lifetime of useless searching complete despair has now set in,
I could be stuck here for a day and a half till my partner gets back,
more tears as I wonder to myself why didn't I take up tennis like the people next door.

Then there in front of me on the floor, next to the smashed radio that always lived
happily on the kitchen table and had done me no harm was a small kitchen knife.

Hope springs eternal, I crawled over to the knife and rolled over, grabbed it
with my raw handcuffed hands and set about cutting the cord that held my legs,
cursing the knife for being blunt and blaming everyone for not sharpening it.
I was frothing at the mouth with the exhaustion, promising myself
to get a smaller ballgag.
At last the cord parted company, I was at last able to straighten my cramped legs,
as I lay there waiting for the feeling to return to my legs thinking at least
I will be able to walk about, when I spotted there right in front of me
about three foot away was that dammed key,then that demon vibrator started again.

Who was it that said, Women don't know what hard work is.

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