some off_Topic security
Of Course we have a good FireWall installed!
a little more is
a router 
- also if You have only 1 computer.
Real world_class
hackers, (We talk about the
Top_ten now, more or less)
can't stop
them this easy. But
they are
not interested in
our computers.
We want protection against access from
Wild Whizzkids,
Only "running around" to destroy as much as possible everywhere around,
They "see" not a standard computer, but some extra obstacle, (or nothing at all).
- 90% of the kids (and their "hacking_programs" ) shall
- The rest is a
prey for our
one more example
my own paranoia installation
computer 1 For privacy only. Internet-cable connected
only during checking E-mail.
computer 2 For use by a few (10 y.o.) little friends only. ( Games, Facebooks, etc.)
computer 3 For internet only.
no privacy in this one. But it need the
Search and Destroy thing 3 times a week
computer 4 My little server.
Light protection with a simple (
only 7 digits) PW.
This one is checked by some top-grade Hackers - it have no access to the others
Something Else
About some nonsense with the name protection
Downloading a File -
Winshit explorer can block the use of it.
Some programs shall refuse to play it,
Windows MediaPlayer can
Before trying to run a file
Right_click on the name. Then
Downstairs - something like
Downstairs - Read some bullshit about an other computer If so -then
Typ the o OR click something like UNblock
Ready - click Right button ( "
do it now") then click

do have a real
So = NO problem to
stop that
some more Nonsense about security
The employer of a friend of me, is very strict on "company_security",
SO- After buying new computer(s) for Administration, he give order to my friend to
=> Destroy the old HD's with a
Testings from Data_security-company "
Norman-Shark" told us that:
Modern HD's can stand the dropping of a
3_Tons Demolition-ball, without a scratch (inside).

What can a
hammer do
You destroy steering-wheel of a car? Thinking it shall never ride again?
SOME people still think that
FORMAT shall erase all data from a disk.
FORMAT shall only check the disk, and
clean the
index-register !
Every computer_geek can read the disk after
Format as if it is still filled with data !
( copy track after track,
ignoring the index-register )
If You want real cleaning then
method A - the Hardware way. => An electro-magnetic burst.
But then You
NEED a protection-shield,
So heavy, its more expensive as a new car (middle class)
Or else Your own nerve-systems shall be erased
faster as the HD.
Method B - the software way => overwriting all bits&bytes
- Format, to clean the index_register
- Take a
solid file - like a TXT, or a BMP,
- Make 1 Directory ( a.k.a. MAP or Folder ) **
- Bring the file IN that Directory Untill the Disk is FULL.
(Every time an other name of course)
- Then DOUBLE the size of the file, and do it ALL OVER again.
- Do all this as MUCH times as Your own patience allows You.
In some publication for professionals, i did read
Best = 36 times
i Have a feeling - they use DOS or UNIX, with a Batch_file. Winshit Can't do this job!
They say that
Secure Eraser Can do the job also.
i don't know
who "
they" are! so =>
No guarantee from me.
Make Directory is because DOS limit the amount of files in Root.
Thats about it. ( For now ).
Good Luck.