1. Download the program Image Grabber II. http://space.war-forum.net/thumbs/ImageGraberII.exe Its size is 994kB
2. Instal it.
3. If you use only .avi videos, you can skip this:
Download the codec for playing and screening .rm files
http://www.instaluj.cz/cz/katalog/audio ... ternative/ Its size is 6.69 MB
4. Instal it.
5. Open Image Grabber II and then chose File->Open File

6. In the interactive window find the video you want to make the screemshots from and click on Open. The video will start to play.
7. Click on the picture of monitor and chose how many pictures you want to make.

8. The video will go through quickly and the pictures of screen shots will appear.
9. Click on File->Save File...

10. The interactive window will open, no data are needed to be filled the program will find everything out. Only click on save

11. And now in classical windows window chose where to save the file, give it a name and then save.

12/ ENJOY!
Thanks to AliDom and Darina for his work
Děkuji Alidomovi za návod a Darině za překlad.